3 Jul 2011


Look at the above photograph taken by a Daily Monitor journalist from Katakwi district, one of the remotest districts in Uganda.
The Ministry of Health identifies THREE DELAYS in accounting for mothers' deaths in Uganda:
  1. delays at HOME to make decision to refer the mother to health facility related to the socio-cultural, gender roles of women, and POVERTY in the community;
  2.  delays on the way to the health facility related to poor roads, weak ambulance system in Uganda, and delays due to a ROAD BLOCK  called TBAs i.e. traditional birth attendants
  3. the the third delay is what is euphemistically called HEALTH FACILITY delay which is really a failure in quality of care and patient safety at the health facility.
Can the modified bicycle ambulance contribute? 
Yes, if they are located within the community, but not in the health centers. When they are based at the community, these "ambulances" save the time the community has to travel first to the health center to fetch it and then transport the patient to the health facility.
The bicycle may be humble, but it could be a life savoir!

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